Viber for PC Free Download (Windows XP/7/8-Mac)

Viber for PC Free Download (Windows XP/7/8-Mac)
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Viber is one of the most exciting social connectivity applications right now we have for our smart phones. It is a marvelous app for smart phones having famous OS like iOS, Android, Symbian and Windows, etc. No specific version has been released to use Viber For PC, but If you are searching for a guide to use it on your PC, then you are at right place because here we are going to tell you that how you can get Viber for PC.

Viber is also another exciting social connectivity application which allows you and your Viber contact to interact with each other without any sort of charges. You can not only talk free locally but also globally. Talk and chat free with your loved ones worldwide. Viber includes option of chat where you can enjoy and send unlimited messages without any kind of charges. Use stickers, smiley’s and other exciting things in the chat which will also judge your mood. Voice call is another exciting feature which is available free on Viber. Talk with your loved ones instead of chatting which will give you a much comfortable feeling. Recently another exciting feature is included in Viber which is of video chat which is even better than the voice chat. Feel the experience of Face to Face chat with your loved ones. Share bunch of images and videos with the help of this platform which has made the life of people even much easier. To use these services all you have to do is to connect your device with wifi and join free voice, video calls and messages. Below is the guide about how to download and install Viber on PC.


Viber for PC Screenshot:

Viber for PC Screenshot                                     

Viber for PC Features:

  • Message your friends (texts can be up to 7,000 characters long).
  • Make free phone and video calls with HD sound quality.
  • Share photos, video messages, voice messages, locations, contact info, rich links, stickers and emoticons.
  • Download static and animated stickers from the Sticker Market; sort and reorder your stickers.
  • Create group messages with up to 200 participants; ‘like’ each other’s messages; manage your group chats as an Admin, editing info and deleting participants.
  • Follow Public Chats – get on the inside with your favorite personalities; watch their conversations unfold in real-time, ‘like’ comments, forward Public Chats messages and share multi-media content.
  • Play games with Viber characters, Violet and Legcat; see how many coins you can earn.
  • Attach files – send messages with documents, presentations, archives and most other files via Viber.
  • Delete a message from all members of the conversation, even after it’s been sent.
  • Push notifications guarantee that you never miss a message or call, even when Viber is off.
  • Integration with phone contact list for calls and messages.
  • Optimized for Android tablets – use Viber on your tablet and phone simultaneously.
  • Android Wear support – send and receive messages from your watch.
  • Support for the Viber Desktop application on Windows and Mac

Source: Google Play Store

Guide to Install Viber for PC:

  1. The installation is simple all you need to do is to download emulators on your windows and Mac to use this application on your computer. The links of the emulators are given just below, but remember ipadian is for Mac and other emulators are for windows.

    Download Links:

    Download: Ipadian
    Download: BlueStacks
    Download: Andy

  2. Once you have downloaded the any of the above emulator, the next step is to install it on your PC.
  3. Once the emulator is installed on your PC, open the emulator.
  4. Search Viber at the top of the search tool as you do in the play store.
  5. After searching it download and Install on your PC.
  6. That’s all; now enjoy Viber on PC.

Links to Download Viber for PC:

Play Store: Viber on Google Play Store
App Store: Viber on iOS App Store

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